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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

July 2

 I don’t think there are, but are any of my Facebook friends from Highview elementary school 1st to 3rd grade? If so do any of you remember the workday during which our parents built us a swing like this?

We thought it was the most amazing playground in the world.
That was back in the day when really nobody had any money to give to a fundraiser, and there were long lines for gas, which was cusping over $.50 a gallon, and you could only line up for gas on your specified day of the week.
Back then, building a playground out of tires was an incredible show of parental love and Community taking care of Community.
Someone might tell me that having kids play on used tires is toxic for their systems, but all I see is creativity and ingenuity, and all I feel is my parents love.


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