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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Day 3

 Day 3.

Miles: 58 around
Cookies - 1 roll/ 200 g
Chocolate milk - 1/2 liter
Hills - many
Tunnels - 4
Ferries - 2
Smiles- beyond counting
Rain- yes!
Today the terrain was even more rugged, with fewer stores and towns. Tomorrow I’ll need to fuel up when there are stores!
It rained on and off but now that I am in my tent, it’s gotten very windy. I need to find the earplugs Eric gave me. They are here somewhere.
I’m hoping for a lull in the rain and then I’ll make some Mac and cheese but if not, I’ll just make it tomorrow!
Ps : made the mac & cheese. Best dehydrated, mac & cheese ever.
1. Fill your jet boil with water.
2, get the lighter to light. Don’t underestimate the difficulty of this step if you have not been a smoker of any kind in many years.
3. Succeed in lighting the stove. Remember all camp stoves are pretty much the same so don’t chastise yourself too much for not having tried it in advance of the trip, even though you said you were going to, but then just figured all camps are pretty much the same. They are! You’ve got this .
4. Watch the water boil because among other great innovations, Jet boil, has figured out a way to break the rule .
5. Pour boiling water into dehydrated, mac & cheese packet.
6. Close securely and dive back into the tent.
7. Shake it . (that is because you failed to stir it. You probably also realize that you failed to take out the oxygen absorbing packet. (I did that too and then I wondered if I should take that out? I think you should and that’s my next instruction is Open the pack and find the oxygen absorbing packet and take it out with a spoon. )
8. Hold the mac & cheese packet close to your body because the mac & cheese packet is warm and you are freezing!
9. Check the time so you will know when eight minutes have passed.
10.  add to your mental packing list for next time a watch that does not require charging like the watch on a phone does. But don’t turn on your phone to write this down because you’re trying to save batteries. Realize you’ll probably just forget about the watch next time too. But you conserved batteries!
8. Eat!
9. Yum!
10. And number 10 - feel good about yourself because this whole trip seems to just be an exercise and recognizing your capabilities.
Rocking the hills and the rain in Norway.


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