Adventure Rabbi
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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Day 1 of a 2,000 kim bike trip

 June 25, 2024 - Oslo Norway

The Adventure Rabbi begins her Norway trip

Six months ago I didn't know what a torque wrench was. I didn't know that or why a hex wrench has a ball on one end. Now I even know about the click sound a torque wrench makes when you've successfully clamped the two parts of your frame back together.
Reassembly day. I ran into a few snags and I am sure it took me far longer than a more experienced or mechanically minded person would take but I did it!
- I put the brake rotors on backward, but noticed the wrench wasn't flush so it just didn't seem right. Then, I fixed it.
- Why doesn't the screw going into the derailleur hanger grip into the bike frame? Ponder ponder ponder. Study photo. Compare. Dont see the difference. Then, like the children's game of "circle the three differences," I realize I need to put the screw in front-to-back not back-to-front. The grippy thing is on the hanger, not the frame. I applaud my own brilliance. Then, I fixed it.
- The back brake was rubbing, and fortunately, Steve taught me how to deal with that. Apparently, it's easy for the brakes to get jostled with all the taking apart and putting together. So, I fixed that.
- I had the entire thing built, went for a test ride, and did the happy dance. And then noticed there was a piece (a cap that fits on the rear wheel axle) that I had not put on. Whoops. So, I fixed that.
- But then I could not get the back wheel on. I remember it was hard to do, you have to really pull the frame apart. I figure I am just not strong enough so I decide to go to town and get help from my hosts when I come back.
I caught the train (the Norwegian trains are designed by the Porsche Design Studio!) into town and got some fuel for my stove. Then I chased the possibility of waterproof gloves which the guy at the first shop said he called a guy at another shop and they had them, which they didn't but he knew a guy who knew a guy, just a 30-minute walk, blah blah blah but no one really had them. The gloves are just water-resistant, which is what I have anyway. Nice walk though through the sculpture garden.
I bought some coconut pieces. (Why? I don't know. There they were and I said, "Fresh coconut in Norway? Okay." I should have stuck to fish. Or chocolate.)
Took the bus home. (Can you tell I am very proud of my navigation and public transit abilities?)
I arrive home just as Eric (son #3) is leaving for a run. I ask if he can help me. He comes and tries and still no go. We cannot stretch the stays apart enough to get the wheel in. I realize something is wrong. It is hard, but not so hard that a strong 18-year-old can't do it. In fact, really I should be able to do it.
We load the bike into the car and take a panicked trip to the bike store to get help. It is closed. I am berating myself! Really? I should have dealt with this before! I should have called an Uber to take me to the store if no one was home to drive me. Now I am going to have to stay here another day and miss my train and delay my trip and ....
let me look just one more time.
That is when I noticed that the cassette had detached, and the extra space was increasing the width of the entire wheel structure. I know how to fix that. So, I fixed that. Wheel slides in.Second happy dance. Third happy dance. One more happy dance because I am so relieved and excited and competent!
Bike is built!
Time to hang with the boys, make pizza on the grill and drink Bergen beer.
Now for the packing.
- How did these panniers get so heavy?
- Took out heavier neoprene booties. Put them back in.
- Took out water purifier. Put it back in.
- Can't find flashlight. That very expensive gazillion lumens light I got for the tunnels. Argghhh!
- Unpack all the bags. Not there. Repack the bags. Google "bike shop in Bergen. There are plenty. I can buy another. But really? Did I leave it charging at home? Unpack the suitcase that is staying here. Find light. Fifth happy dance.
- Got everything in and loaded and ready to go!
- Sixth happy dance. Cause you just gotta dance.
I leave at 5 am tomorrow to ride to the train, which will take me to the other train, which will take me to Bergen. And then, I ride.


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