Shabbat on Snow begins soon! Come make some turns with us: 12/16/13 at Copper 12/21/13 at Heavenly 10 am to Ski 12:30-12:45 Shabbat Service Don't miss this great article by Cathy Grossman about the Adventure Rabbi Program in the Washington Post. Visit here >> It includes interviews with Jason Zickerman and Stefanie Clarke plus a description of Ethan Csapo's Bar Mitzvah, at which a bear was hunkered down in the location in which we had planned to read Torah. Cathy also talks about Doug Gilmer, the Backcountry Chaplain, who teaches a course at Liberty University using my book God in the Wilderness as a text. Early Bird registration for Passover in Moab is now open: $99/ person until 12/31/13. Includes the seder meal. Details >> Upcoming Melton Opportunities for Adults: - 4-month Melton course on Jewish Ethics begins in February. More info contact Yael
Yael Weinstein - Two free events with visiting Rabbi Efrat Zarren-Zohar on January 9 and 10, 2014 More>>
Warmly,  Rabbi Jamie Korngold Adventure Rabbi P.S. Please remember Adventure Rabbi: Synagogue Without Walls as you make your end of year donations. Donate here >> |  | |  | Rabbi Evon Yakar lights the Chanukah candles in the snow in Boulder, Colorado. | |  | Adventure Rabbi Chanukah Celebration 2013 | |