I am leaving the island of Lofoten.
It was the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. It was sort of a mixture of Tahiti/French Polynesia/Kawaii,
except not as crowded, better cycling, and not hot. Sort of like Alaska, but with no animals that want to eat you.

it’s also a huge tourist destination with Campervans that clog the roads . I fooled my internal clock and pretended I was going to another time zone and switched my riding schedule to riding at night and sleeping during the day. It never gets dark so what’s the difference? That works great. I had the road to myself.
It is a spiritual experience watching the sun come down to the horizon at 12 at night and then just go back up again. It never sets. It just hovers, as contemplating its next move and then deciding to keep on shining.
I haven’t been able to find Wi-Fi and I don’t have enough cell service to upload photos and videos so I can do those when I get back to Wi-Fi.
Bottom line is that I’m really happy and I’m very relaxed.
This this simplicity of riding all day and having everything I need on the back of my bike, suits me.
As I said for my quotation for the Edgemont high school yearbook, “I love my bike! Where else would I be?”
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