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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Norway Trip 2024

 Norway Trip 2024

Miles: 1,513.6
Vertical Climbed: 78,124 feet (2.7 x Everest)
People Inspired to Call their Mothers: 78
A month ago, when I started this trip I wanted to answer specific questions. Now, a month later, those questions seem far too simple compared to the depth of the learning I did. But I will answer them.
In June I wrote:
My goal is to answer these questions:
1. Solo travel:
- How do I feel about traveling solo for a month?
- Is it lonely? Liberating?
- Do I meet people?
- Do I feel safe?
2. Extending Biking:
- Do I like being in the saddle every day?
- Am I bored?
- Do I want to keep going?
3. Bumble
- Is a bike trip better than a dating app?
- And maybe even better than a chairlift? (For those of you who know that story.)
4. Socks:
- 2 pairs or 3?
And the big question: In 2026, when I am no longer working full-time for Adventure Rabbi, do I want to embark on an extended, multi-month bike trip?
My answers:
1. Solo travel:
- I do love solo travel; I did feel safe; I did not feel lonely.
- I did meet people, although not anyone I will likely see again.
2. Extending Biking:
- I loved being in the saddle every day; I did not get bored
- A month seemed like the perfect amount of time. If I were to keep going, after a month I'd need to rent an apartment for a few days, wash my clothes, eat vegetables, call my sister, replace my shirt, and rest my legs. It would also be a good time to visit a friend or meet up with friends to ride together for a bit.
3. Bumble
-A bike trip is better than a dating app because you don't get excited and then disappointed, and you don't have to put on makeup. The net is the same either way. 0.
- A chair lift is still a better dating mechanism. You get 10 minutes during the ride to talk followed by a built-in first date to see if they can actually ski!
4. Socks:
- 2 pairs of socks would have been fine as long as one was Smart Wool. But 3 was nice.
And the big question: In 2026, when I am no longer working full-time for Adventure Rabbi, do I want to embark on an extended, multi-month bike trip?
I'm still not really clear on this. I love cycling but I also love skiing. I don't think I would give up a season of skiing to go bike-touring. But maybe part of the year. Or maybe a month was the perfect amount of time.
Thanks to you all for being on my team. I am sure that the reason I did not get lonely was because of you. It meant so much to me when you liked or commented on my posts. Thanks for taking this adventure with me!


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