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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

These are two of the text I shared on our Tuesday night hike

These are two of the text I shared on our Tuesday night hike. Some members of our group were asking to see the, so I post them here to share:

Reading 1:
Said Dov Baer, the Preacher of Mezhirech:

Your kind deeds are used by God
As seeds for the planting of trees in the Garden of Eden;
Thus each of you create your own Paradise.
- Esser Orot, Ukraine (died 1772)

Reading 2: On Tu b’Shevat
When spring comes,
An angel descends, ledger in hand,
And enters each bud, each twig, each tree,
And all our garden flowers.
From town to town, from village to village
The angel makes a winged way,
Searching the valleys, inspecting the hills,
Flying over the desert
And returns to heaven.
And when the ledger will be full
Of trees and blossoms and shrubs,
When the desert is turned into a meadow
And all our land is a watered garden,
The Messiah will appear.

-Shin Shalom (adapted)
Poland/Vienna/Paelstie/Israel, b. 1904


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